

Thoughts About Digital Experience, User Behavior Analytics

Read the Latest Articles & Enhance Your Knowledge About User Behavior Analytics Tools, Digital User Experience


We Tried LogRocket vs FullStory: Here’s Our Feedback

As an online business owner, you must know how your users interact with your web app, landing page, website, or online shop. Can users complete their tasks efficiently? Is there friction in your sales or marketing funnel? Do certain features get more attention than others? You should get answers...

hotjar vs google
11 minutes read.

Hotjar vs Google Analytics: Do you Really Need Both?

When planning the features of FullSession, our behavioral analytics software, we tested many other tools to learn more about their strengths and weaknesses because our goal was to build something even better with these lessons in mind. In this blog post, we will explain the differences between Google Analytics and Hotjar, as many businesses are ...

Hotjar by G2
18 minutes read.

Hotjar Review: What We Like and Don’t Like

Understanding how your website visitors behave is essential to the success of your online business. The best way to measure your website’s performance is through the use of web analytics tools. These tools will help you improve your website and increase conversion by offering insights into how your users behave, where they click, and whether ...

FullSession session replay
15 minutes read.

The Definitive Guide to Session Recording and Replay

The user experience significantly impacts the success of your website, web app, or landing page. If users can’t find what they’re looking for or if the site feels clunky and slow, they won’t stay long. Session recording tools help you monitor and review user activity on multiple pages. Based on behavior analytics, you can tweak ...

FullSession scroll map
8 minutes read.

Scroll Maps: How to Use Them In 2024 (Overview Guide)

Understanding user behavior is key to evaluating how customers interact with your website, web app, or landing page. You can gain valuable insights by analyzing activities like cart abandonment, button clicks, page navigation, and scrolling. Scroll maps help uncover visitor interactions, especially on crucial landing pages designed to drive sign-ups and guide customers through the ...

man looking at website tracking data on a laptop
14 minutes read.

Website Tracking: How to Do It + 5 Tools [Free & Paid]

Website visitor tracking is essential for optimizing your website and increasing conversions. It allows you to learn more about who visits your site, where they come from, what websites refer traffic to yours, and other important information. Website visitor tracking also helps you discover if people can find the information they need or get confused ...

FullSession Heatmap
13 minutes read.

6 Best Website Heatmap Tools in 2024 [Comparison Guide]

Website heatmap tools are valuable for evaluating the user experience on your website and measuring your website performance. With a visual representation of users’ actions, heatmap software tools help you understand which web pages are most popular and how to improve user engagement. Also, by monitoring how individual visitors interact with your website, you can ...

hotjar vs google

Hotjar vs Google Analytics: Do you Really Need Both?

When planning the features of FullSession, our behavioral analytics software, we tested many other tools to learn more about their strengths and weaknesses because our goal was to build something even better with these lessons in mind. In this blog post, we will explain the differences between Google Analytics...

Hotjar by G2
18 minutes read.

Hotjar Review: What We Like and Don’t Like

Understanding how your website visitors behave is essential to the success of your online business. The best way to measure your website’s performance is through the use of web analytics tools. These tools will help you improve your website and increase conversion by offering insights into how your users behave, where they click, and whether ...

FullSession session replay
15 minutes read.

The Definitive Guide to Session Recording and Replay

The user experience significantly impacts the success of your website, web app, or landing page. If users can’t find what they’re looking for or if the site feels clunky and slow, they won’t stay long. Session recording tools help you monitor and review user activity on multiple pages. Based on behavior analytics, you can tweak ...

FullSession scroll map
8 minutes read.

Scroll Maps: How to Use Them In 2024 (Overview Guide)

Understanding user behavior is key to evaluating how customers interact with your website, web app, or landing page. You can gain valuable insights by analyzing activities like cart abandonment, button clicks, page navigation, and scrolling. Scroll maps help uncover visitor interactions, especially on crucial landing pages designed to drive sign-ups and guide customers through the ...

man looking at website tracking data on a laptop
14 minutes read.

Website Tracking: How to Do It + 5 Tools [Free & Paid]

Website visitor tracking is essential for optimizing your website and increasing conversions. It allows you to learn more about who visits your site, where they come from, what websites refer traffic to yours, and other important information. Website visitor tracking also helps you discover if people can find the information they need or get confused ...

FullSession Heatmap
13 minutes read.

6 Best Website Heatmap Tools in 2024 [Comparison Guide]

Website heatmap tools are valuable for evaluating the user experience on your website and measuring your website performance. With a visual representation of users’ actions, heatmap software tools help you understand which web pages are most popular and how to improve user engagement. Also, by monitoring how individual visitors interact with your website, you can ...

woman looking at analytics on a laptop
9 minutes read.

How to Use Predictive Customer Analytics For Max Conversions

Business gurus always talk about the importance of collecting customer data. But aside from addressing current issues with the information you gather, what do you do with all that historical data? If you haven’t already, it’s time to introduce a predictive analytics process to your business operations. With a good breadth of customer data to ...

Hotjar alternatives

We Tried 5 Hotjar Alternatives – Here’s Our Feedback

As a website owner, you need accurate information on how website visitors interact with your website, areas where they experience issues, and how this affects your conversion rates. You can use web analytics tools to gather this data and monitor the user behavior on your website. Hotjar is a...

Mobile analytics
10 minutes read.

CRO for Mobile: Definition, Advantages, and Best Practices

Traffic share of mobile traffic for all types of businesses is increasing year by year, which comes as no surprise since we spend more than half our time on mobile instead of desktop. But what does this mean for businesses? Simply put, you’re missing out on a big chunk of your target market if you’re ...

Psychographic Segmentation
8 minutes read.

A Beginner’s Guide to Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographic segmentation tells you how you can connect with your audience groups and maximize your conversions. What motivates your customers to buy? What type of marketing campaigns are they most likely to respond to? What psychographic traits can make them hate or love your brand? Psychographic segmentation answers all these questions and more. In this ...

man and woman pointing at a target animated picture
11 minutes read.

How to Test Product Market Fit: The Ultimate Guide

Your product may be set to be the most revolutionary thing to grace your industry, but how do you know whether it will soar upon launch or crash and burn? This is where product market fit comes in, and all startups go through this process. In essence, product market fit is when your product serves ...

woman and man looking at CRO stats animated picture
9 minutes read.

Macro Conversion vs Micro Conversion: A Comprehensive Guide

Regardless of what your business is offering, the number of people who become successful conversions ultimately affects your bottom line and, in turn, your overall business health. As a business leader or marketing manager, your job is to find out what affects that number and figure out how to maximize it. Let’s start with the ...

woman next to a conversion funnel animated picture
10 minutes read.

What Is Conversion Funnel Analysis and How to Optimize It

The ideal customer is someone who moves through the conversion funnel with little friction–they view your website, click on your CTAs, and dive head-first into your desired action. Done! Unfortunately, real-world customers aren’t like that. Sure, some may convert into repeat customers without much pushing, but most will need convincing that you are the #1 ...

A picture of how the funnel technology fullsession has works
11 minutes read.

Best 11 Conversion Rate Optimization Tools You Need In 2024

So, you’ve driven a sizeable number of visitors to your website. They’re looking at your products, perusing your blog pages, and scrolling through your landing page. You might think that the hardest part is over, but unfortunately, you’re just now getting to it. A large number of visitors is meaningless if you can’t convert them ...

Ecommerce funnel

How to Build An Ecommerce Conversion Funnel That Works

No matter how good your product is, customers aren’t going to be lining up to buy it without an effective eCommerce conversion funnel. There are different stages of the buyer’s journey you need to strengthen if you want to maximize conversions. These make up the conversion funnel and, in...

12 minutes read.

A Complete Guide to eCommerce Conversion Optimization

Designing an effective eCommerce conversion funnel can be a difficult and tedious process, but it’s not something you can skip if you want to drive sales. First, you need to understand your customer’s journey. Then, devise a strategy to guide them through the funnel, create engaging content to attract them, and fine-tune the process for ...

eCommerce trends
6 minutes read.

Top 8 eCommerce Trends For 2021

Successful online Platforms Now Need To Extend Their Focus To Growing Customer Expectations, MobileShopping Expansion, And More

Optimize Your E-Commerce Store with These Five Customer Experience Trends.
4 minutes read.

Top Five Digital Customer Experience Trends For E-commerce Websites

In this modern-day and age, people’s lives are becoming more interwoven with technology. Thus, companies are constantly searching for ways (like enhancing digital customer experience trends) to meet the contemporary man’s demands and keep abreast of the tightening competition in the digital landscape. With the onslaught of COVID-19 last year, consumers’ demands for instant services ...

Grow Your E-Commerce Business with These Effective Marketing Strategies
5 minutes read.

Top 3 E-Commerce Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business Growth

To withstand the test of times, business owners must constantly improve and enhance their products and services. Whether your business is in its neonatal period or has already established a brand that customers have grown to love, the need to keep abreast of the reigning successful marketing strategies & trends in 2021 to keep your ...

a light bulb and paper clips

MVP Testing: 17 Best Techniques That Work

A good idea without validation is only just that—a good idea. And without feedback from your target audience, you’re not even sure if it’s a good idea for them. How can you make sure your product will work as promised? Will it meet market demand or be just another...

landing page of a hotel opened on a pc screen and a laptop
14 minutes read.

7 Best Landing Page Optimization Tools and Why You Need Them

Landing pages are like digital welcome mats for your website; they’re the first thing visitors see when they click on a link from an email, an ad, or another digital source. Just as a welcoming entryway sets the tone for a visitor’s experience in a home, a well-designed landing page sets the tone for a ...

market segmentation presented with figures
11 minutes read.

7 Best Market Segmentation Tools For Top-Notch Personalization

Even though you have a very specific Ideal Customer Profile, your target audience will still consist of different types of people. They will have varying interests, attitudes, geographical locations, income levels, and so on. Customers that share similar characteristics belong to the same “segment.” So, what does this mean for your marketing campaigns? Your target ...

7 minutes read.

5 Psychographics Examples For Your Marketing Campaign

Do you know what motivates your customers to buy? Demographics provide valuable information that helps shape your ideal customer profile and learn more about your target audience. It tells you who your customer is through broad categories like age, location, and race. But while all this data is important, it doesn’t tell you why your ...

11 minutes read.

How to Create a Customer-Centric Marketing Strategy That Works

In today’s competitive climate, it’s difficult to create a loyal customer base and stand out from competitors. With the rise of social media, customers have become thought leaders who share their opinions with others publicly. It is the reason why businesses try to appeal to them. Customer-centricity reaches beyond that. It means caring about customers’ ...

We Tried Hotjar vs Microsoft Clarity: Here’s Our Feedback

Customer experience analysis is complex. Despite your best efforts, you might misinterpret user data or miss crucial website issues. User behavior tools can simplify this process, offering accurate insights into website performance and user experience. Hotjar and Microsoft Clarity are popular user behavior analytics software that provide insights into...

FullSession Tool
12 minutes read.

Customer Journey Tracking: How to Map Your Customer’s Path to Conversion

We all know that it’s essential to track website conversion rates, but what about monitoring customer journeys on your website? With a comprehensive customer journey map, you can identify potential obstacles and optimize your website accordingly. In this article, we will go in-depth about the different methods you can use to map customer journeys. We ...

8 minutes read.

User Testing vs. Usability Testing: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between user testing and usability testing? Many people use these terms interchangeably, but there is a significant distinction between the two. The similarity between the two is purpose. Both aim to discover functionality issues and UX design flaws that impact the overall user experience. Because of this ...


We Tried LogRocket vs FullStory: Here’s Our Feedback

As an online business owner, you must know how your users interact with your web app, landing page, website, or online shop. Can users complete their tasks efficiently? Is there friction in your sales or marketing funnel? Do certain features get more attention than others? You should get answers...

woman looking at analytics on a laptop
9 minutes read.

How to Use Predictive Customer Analytics For Max Conversions

Business gurus always talk about the importance of collecting customer data. But aside from addressing current issues with the information you gather, what do you do with all that historical data? If you haven’t already, it’s time to introduce a predictive analytics process to your business operations. With a good breadth of customer data to ...

portrait pictures of many different people
15 minutes read.

The Definitive Guide to User Persona Research

Demographic and psychographic data come together to create the user persona: a snapshot of a subgroup of your existing user base. Products that resonate deeply with users start with understanding their thought processes. By mapping the common ground between your audience, you’ll forge an unshakeable connection that sparks loyal customers. Imagine creating products and services ...

a yellow light bulb shining for insight
12 minutes read.

7 Top Customer Insight Software of 2024

Customer insights tools give businesses an almost effortless way to analyze customer interactions, gauge satisfaction, and derive actionable insights from all that data. However, there’s no one tool to accomplish everything that you need to do to optimize the customer journey.  So, we’ve compiled the best customer insight software to deliver what customers expect from ...

woman smiling and holding paper text balloons
10 minutes read.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Customer Feedback Management

How you manage customer feedback will dictate how well you can meet customer expectations and increase their overall satisfaction. However, effective customer feedback management is more than just collecting data and responding to what your audience says. You need an effective customer feedback management system that will ultimately lead to better customer retention and satisfaction. ...

person looking at customer analytics on a laptop
9 minutes read.

The Power of Real-Time Customer Analytics

Customer behavior moves too fast for traditional analytics to be effective. These days, you need to analyze touchpoints in real-time to provide a satisfying experience across the board. While historical data can still be a huge help, real-time analytics help you analyze in the moment instead of waiting for changes that can hinder business success. ...

woman smiling and showing thumbs up
11 minutes read.

5 Simple Steps of Customer Satisfaction Analysis

Unsatisfied customers don’t just mean you’re missing out on sales. They can also lead to negative feedback–and, therefore, a negative reputation–for your business. So, how do you turn dissatisfied customers into highly satisfied customers? And more importantly, how do you prevent a bad customer experience in the first place? It all starts with customer satisfaction ...

FullSession session replay

The Definitive Guide to Session Recording and Replay

The user experience significantly impacts the success of your website, web app, or landing page. If users can’t find what they’re looking for or if the site feels clunky and slow, they won’t stay long. Session recording tools help you monitor and review user activity on multiple pages. Based...

man looking at website tracking data on a laptop
14 minutes read.

Website Tracking: How to Do It + 5 Tools [Free & Paid]

Website visitor tracking is essential for optimizing your website and increasing conversions. It allows you to learn more about who visits your site, where they come from, what websites refer traffic to yours, and other important information. Website visitor tracking also helps you discover if people can find the information they need or get confused ...

18 minutes read.

Top 8 Session Recording And Replay Tools [Our 2024 Review]

Session recording and replay tools are essential for user experience analysis. They help you understand how to optimize your website, web app, or landing page. Finding the right tools with relevant features can be quite challenging, given the abundance of user session recording and replay tools available on the market. Session recording and replay tools ...

a hand holding three smiley faces
19 minutes read.

8 Best CX Tools for an Unbeatable Customer Experience

The customer experience will ultimately define the success of your business. Provide an awesome experience, and your prospect will likely become a repeat customer. But when you fail to meet their expectations, you might lose that potential customer and even face negative word-of-mouth in the process. Luckily, there are a multitude of customer experience tools ...

woman looking at behavioral analytics stats
8 minutes read.

Looking for a Mouseflow Alternative? Here Are 5 Best Options

Is Mouseflow not working for you anymore? Perhaps you’re looking for more features? An overall better approach to getting in-depth insights into user behavior, satisfaction, loyalty, and more? Don’t worry, you’re right where you need to be! Let’s go over the most popular features of Mouseflow, why you might need to find another tool, and ...

Sorting data animated
11 minutes read.

Categorical vs Quantitative Data: How Are They Different?

Data collection and analysis is the starting point of every effective marketing campaign. Do you want to refine your ideal customer profile? Create more personalized marketing strategies? Or find out exactly what motivates them to buy? Whatever the case may be, customer-centric marketing should start with data. But what kind of data do you need? ...

Digital experience analytics on a screen animated picture
6 minutes read.

Digital Experience Analytics: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

Digital experience analytics tell you exactly how your product or service is working or, more specifically, if it’s working as well as it should. In this guide, we’ll define digital experience analytics, explain how it can benefit your brand, and discuss best practices for using analytics tools for websites and mobile apps. What is Digital ...

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