woman looking at analytics on a laptop
How to Use Predictive Customer Analytics For Max Conversions

Business gurus always talk about the importance of collecting customer data. But aside from addressing current issues with the information you gather, what do you do with all that historical data? If you haven’t already, it’s time to introduce a predictive analytics process to your business operations. With a...

June 20, 2024
portrait pictures of many different people
The Definitive Guide to User Persona Research

Demographic and psychographic data come together to create the user persona: a snapshot of a subgroup of your existing user base. Products that resonate deeply with users start with understanding their thought processes. By mapping the common ground between your audience, you’ll forge an unshakeable connection that sparks loyal...

June 20, 2024
a yellow light bulb shining for insight
7 Top Customer Insight Software of 2024

Customer insights tools give businesses an almost effortless way to analyze customer interactions, gauge satisfaction, and derive actionable insights from all that data. However, there’s no one tool to accomplish everything that you need to do to optimize the customer journey.  So, we’ve compiled the best customer insight software...

June 17, 2024
woman smiling and holding paper text balloons
A Step-by-Step Guide to Customer Feedback Management

How you manage customer feedback will dictate how well you can meet customer expectations and increase their overall satisfaction. However, effective customer feedback management is more than just collecting data and responding to what your audience says. You need an effective customer feedback management system that will ultimately lead...

June 12, 2024
person looking at customer analytics on a laptop
The Power of Real-Time Customer Analytics

Customer behavior moves too fast for traditional analytics to be effective. These days, you need to analyze touchpoints in real-time to provide a satisfying experience across the board. While historical data can still be a huge help, real-time analytics help you analyze in the moment instead of waiting for...

June 12, 2024
woman smiling and showing thumbs up
5 Simple Steps of Customer Satisfaction Analysis

Unsatisfied customers don’t just mean you’re missing out on sales. They can also lead to negative feedback–and, therefore, a negative reputation–for your business. So, how do you turn dissatisfied customers into highly satisfied customers? And more importantly, how do you prevent a bad customer experience in the first place?...

June 10, 2024
a hand holding three smiley faces
8 Best CX Tools for an Unbeatable Customer Experience

The customer experience will ultimately define the success of your business. Provide an awesome experience, and your prospect will likely become a repeat customer. But when you fail to meet their expectations, you might lose that potential customer and even face negative word-of-mouth in the process. Luckily, there are...

June 10, 2024
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How to Master Customer Data Management (Best Practices)

How you manage your data will ultimately affect how well you understand your customers, their wants, needs, complaints, praises, and everything in between. Let’s not forget the information in a standard customer database, including all the quantitative data that comes your way. So, how do you manage all this...

May 31, 2024
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How to Make a Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (+ Examples)

Everyone has answered a client satisfaction questionnaire or customer satisfaction survey at least once. Chances are, you’ve probably abandoned some midway or simply didn’t participate. Whether the survey is too long, uninteresting, or overly complicated, you’ll notice that some surveys are better than others. So, how do you get...

May 21, 2024
a man and a woman filling product survey questions
Product Survey Questions to Help You Build a Top-Notch Product

So you’ve built a product that solves a specific problem of your target audience. And in your humble opinion, it’s perfect. Maybe even better than your competitors’! Unfortunately, the opinions that truly matter are the ones that come from your customers. Is your product working as well as it...

May 16, 2024