We Tried Hotjar vs Microsoft Clarity: Here’s Our Feedback

Customer experience analysis is complex. Despite your best efforts, you might misinterpret user data or miss crucial website issues. User behavior tools can simplify this process, offering accurate insights into website performance and user experience. Hotjar and Microsoft Clarity are popular user behavior analytics software that provide insights into...

July 16, 2024
FullSession Tool
Customer Journey Tracking: How to Map Your Customer’s Path to Conversion

We all know that it’s essential to track website conversion rates, but what about monitoring customer journeys on your website? With a comprehensive customer journey map, you can identify potential obstacles and optimize your website accordingly. In this article, we will go in-depth about the different methods you can...

July 16, 2024
User Testing vs. Usability Testing: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between user testing and usability testing? Many people use these terms interchangeably, but there is a significant distinction between the two. The similarity between the two is purpose. Both aim to discover functionality issues and UX design flaws that impact the...

June 6, 2022