Customer feedback is an integral part of the customer journey. It helps you improve customer experience management. And for every customer, leaving feedback is essential to ensure their high satisfaction with your brand.

Using customer feedback tools is the key to building and maintaining customer loyalty, improving your products and services, and making better business decisions. But choosing the right customer feedback solution requires time and effort.

It can be quite a problem for small businesses, which don’t have enough resources to spare. Luckily, some tools will help you gather valuable user feedback and identify unhappy customers quickly and easily without having to invest too much time or money.

In today’s article, we will cover the best customer feedback tools you can use to collect and analyze customer feedback, measure customer loyalty, and increase customer retention. You can start with FullSession, our web analytics tool, which provides exceptional features to help you achieve your business goals. Register your account today and start a 14-day free trial.

What is customer feedback software?

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Customers want to talk about their experiences. When customers can leave honest reviews, they are more inclined to put in the time and effort to share the details that matter. It is an excellent way for you to learn what customers have to say about your business, and it also creates an opportunity for more word-of-mouth advertising.

Product or service reviews are a valuable asset to your brand because they bring trust and authenticity to your business. Customers can rate products, leave comments on product pages, or submit suggestions for future improvements, but they can also use multiple channels to rate their experience.

For example, they can rate their experience on social media, through surveys or in-person feedback, using online review tools, in their blog posts or video recordings. Customer feedback software lets you collect, analyze and manage user feedback and cultivate customer relationships. With customer feedback software, you can:

  1. Receive feedback from customers promptly
  2. Identify problems early on and fix them before they become significant issues
  3. Build a relationship with your customers, which can lead to more sales
  4. Collect feedback about products and services after the purchase
  5. Improve the quality of products and services
  6. Track results of marketing and sales campaigns

Your customers know your business the best

Ignoring customer feedback is a big mistake. These days, if customers feel ignored or unvalued, they may not return to your business. If you want to make customers feel appreciated and reward their loyalty, you need to take their opinions seriously and improve your business accordingly.

If you want to know how satisfied customers are, you need to conduct feedback analysis regularly. It helps you understand customer pain points and optimize your website performance to suit their needs. Let’s explore all available options for collecting customer feedback.

Customer feedback tools types

Customer feedback tools come in many forms, and each has its purpose. You can use them to monitor customer satisfaction and get insights to improve your products, services, website, web app, or landing page. Here are some of the popular customer feedback tool types.

Measure customer happiness with Net Promoter Score (NPS)

 Net Promoter Score (NPS)

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Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a simple but effective customer survey tool for customer sentiment analysis. It is a two-step process that lets survey takers answer a simple question: How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?

In the first part of the survey, customers respond to your question by choosing a number between 0-10, indicating whether they would recommend your company or not.

It’s easy for you to break down what customers loved and didn’t love about your product or service. The second part of the survey lets users explain why they feel that way.

There’s no ambiguity, no confusion, and no difficulty in answering. According to responses your customers provided, they can be:

  1. Detractors (6 or below) — These are the people who do not provide any value to your brand or business. They’ll bring it down with every negative review or complaint they can.
  2. Passives (7/8)— These are people who may give you a chance but don’t love your company.
  3. Promoters (9/10) – These are your core customers who not only love your brand but love to spread the word.

The results of Net Promoter Score surveys are easy to interpret. You can use them to identify your brand advocates and detractors and identify the gaps to target retention and growth strategies.

Improve your marketing strategy with social feedback tools

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The community feedback tools mine social media to reveal hidden trends within micro-communities. You can gather customer data to improve your marketing strategy and create a more personalized experience for your audience. These tools help you collect customer feedback on your brand in real-time — whether on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok.

When choosing a community feedback tool, look for one with an easy survey template. This way, you can deliver surveys on social media that gather your customers’ feedback in no time.

Get crystal clear insights with online surveys

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Online surveys provide relevant answers to burning questions. Which traffic sources are driving online conversions? What are users’ primary motivations for visiting your website? Are customers satisfied with your product or service offerings? The results reveal insights into visitor intentions and user behavior on your website.

The pop-up survey is the most common form of an online survey that collects customer responses with minimal impact on their browsing sessions. You can use it to collect contact information from visitors who want to learn more about your products or services. You will get clear, actionable insights that can help with site optimization.

Get customers’ trust with online reviews

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Online reviews build trust with potential customers, answer questions about your product or service, and encourage users to engage with your business.

It lets you share your brand story and company history, boost your reputation, and increase sales. You can use online review software to collect feedback on all aspects of your business, including products, services, website, or customer service.

Online reviews can impact your conversion rates. For example, when users want to decide what products or services to use, they can visit review sites to learn what other users said about their experience with your brand.

Additionally, online reviews boost search engine rankings — making them an even more effective tool for online marketers. Online reviews are the new word-of-mouth and the best way to increase exposure and boost search results.

Get rid of the guesswork with user testing tools

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Before developing a website or web app, your product team needs to ensure that it has everything your customers want. You can conduct user testing with your target audience before investing time and money in product development.

By watching how your potential customers use product mockups and listening to how they describe their experience, you will get enough information to steer the design phase in the right direction.

User testing isn’t just about asking a few questions. The best testing includes multiple feedback forms and data — including task-based testing, session recording and replay, and collection of written or spoken responses. It will let you know what issues your users have and help you resolve those issues faster.

What are the benefits of using customer feedback tools?

Customer feedback is significant for any online business because it allows you to gather qualitative and quantitative feedback on your products and services, make necessary improvements and stay ahead of the curve.

Here are some other reasons why you should start with collecting customer feedback. It helps you:

  1. Identify and address issues quickly and efficiently
  2. Improve the quality of customer interactions
  3. Identify new opportunities and trends in the market
  4. Make decisions about which products or services to develop
  5. Determine whether you are meeting customer needs
  6. Measure the impact of marketing efforts on customer behavior
  7. Learn more about customer satisfaction with your products or services
  8. Build relationships with customers based on mutual trust and respect

Whether asking for advice or simply hearing customers’ thoughts on a new product, listening to customer feedback is essential to stay competitive.

Are there any drawbacks to using customer feedback tools?

There are a few potential drawbacks to using customer feedback tools you should know about.

  1. Sometimes customers don’t want to provide feedback
  2. Some feedback can be false or misleading to get a reaction from your business
  3. Sometimes user feedback can be difficult to interpret
  4. Feedback processing sometimes can be too difficult or time-consuming
  5. Negative feedback can lead to poor morale among employees or decreased productivity
  6. It can be difficult to respond to all the feedback you received

Nevertheless, it’s crucial to gather customer feedback and analyze customer insights regularly. The sooner you can address concerns and questions, the better your brand will look in your customers’ eyes.

What are the best customer feedback tools in 2024?

There are many customer feedback tools available that you can use for your business. Some offer limited features free of charge, while others provide full-featured services for a monthly fee.

We’ve done extensive research to help you speed up your decision-making process. Continue reading to find out the best customer feedback tools in 2024.

#1. FullSession

FullSession Feedback

FullSession is our web analytics software that generates data insights faster than ever before. It helps you track and analyze user behavior on your website, identify problem areas and potential usability issues, attract more website visitors, and learn how to optimize your web pages for conversions.  

We eliminate the complexity of analytics by combining all your data into a single interface where you can easily find and analyze user trends and behavior. FullSession makes analytics accessible to everyone, so you can focus on building your business without wasting time trying to figure out what the numbers mean.

FullSession customer feedback tool

FullSession takes the headache out of customer feedback by automatically capturing and storing responses from your customers. Our interactive feedback widget helps you approach negative experiences in real-time to provide immediate solutions for any issues as they happen.

With FullSession, you can track customer satisfaction levels and get in-depth feedback about customer experience. The integration with any website, web app or landing page is easy and takes just a few minutes of your time.

Incoming Feedback tool

With FullSession Incoming Feedback, you can create unlimited feedback polls, unlimited surveys, or feedback forms so your customers can leave their comments about your products and services without leaving your site.

Our feedback tool is customizable and fits any website, web app, or landing page. You can add it to a highly-visible place on your web page and ask users for their honest opinion as they browse your website. Track customer responses directly on the dashboard and use the reports to improve your business.

With our video feedback tool or session recording, you can watch user sessions to understand what users are doing on your site. If customers leave negative feedback, you can use session recordings to quickly pinpoint the issue and fix it, improving customer experience in the process.

Net promoter score (NPS)

NPS is an effective tool that gathers actionable data and helps you improve customer loyalty and retention. It measures how likely a customer is to promote your brand based on their overall experience with your business.

Use FullSession to poll your customers and see what they have to say. You will know whether or not they would recommend your brand to others. This information gives you insight into how well your site is performing. If something needs fixing, you will know. It will help you bring in more customers to increase repeat purchases and lifetime value.

An increase in NPS score means that there’s been an increase in customer satisfaction, which you can attribute to the level of service you provide. Excellent customer experience is one of the key points that customers value above all else.

Also, you can use our intuitive experience management solution to measure Customer Effort Score (CES) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) to ensure customers are happy with the products and services you provide.

Other features

FullSession support

If you have any issue with FullSession, you can send us an email, start a live chat, visit the knowledge base, or read documentation and guides on our site.

FullSession pricing

fullsession pricing

The FullSession platform offers a 14-day free trial. It provides two paid plans—Basic and Business. Here are more details on each plan.

  1. The Basic plan costs $39/month and allows you to monitor up to 5,000 monthly sessions.
  2. The Business plan costs $149/month and helps you to track and analyze up to 25,000 monthly sessions.
  3. The Enterprise plan starts from 100,000 monthly sessions and has custom pricing.

If you need more information, you can get a demo.

#2. Hotjar

hotjar feedback

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Hotjar is a customer engagement platform that provides real-time visual feedback on your website visitors’ behavior. If users can’t find what they want on your website or if they’re frustrated with the checkout process, you’ll know about it immediately.

Hotjar helps you gain actionable insights into key elements of your site, so you can identify issues that you may otherwise overlook. It improves your website development process, helps you build a new online business from scratch, or ensures your current website is reaching your business goals.

Hotjar customer feedback tool

Hotjar provides valuable insights into your site’s performance and usability. With in-depth reporting, it’s easy to improve the customer experience. As a result, you’ll increase conversion rates, grow new audiences and build deeper relationships with existing customers. Here is a breakdown of Hotjar customer feedback tools.

Incoming feedback

Customers want to know their feedback is valuable. When browsing your website, users can highlight web page elements they like or dislike, providing constructive feedback you can use to improve your website performance. 

You can see which pages have high or low feedback scores based on users’ responses. Using visual feedback tools, such as session recordings, you can see why customers are less engaged in specific website areas. The more you know about your customers and their experience on your site, the easier it will be to tailor it to their needs.

With Hotjar, you get unlimited feedback widgets, unlimited storage, and localization in more than 40 languages. Hotjar allows for easy setup and sharing of customer feedback with team members. It integrates with Slack and other platforms.

Customer survey tools

A customer survey helps you hear the voice of the customer and gain insight into their needs, goals, and concerns. With Hotjar, you can run targeted surveys during each step of the user journey and get instant feedback to improve your user experience.

Using Hotjar, you can create a survey from scratch or use a professional-looking template from the Hotjar template base. Also, Hotjar lets you create surveys by using drag & drop builder. You don’t need any design, coding, or scripting skills to make changes to your surveys. Also, you can change the appearance of your surveys to match your company’s branding.

It lets you create unlimited surveys to get actionable insights from your site visitors. You can keep survey results as long as you want or send them to your team members automatically.

Other features

  • Heatmaps
  • Session recording and replay
  • Conversion funnels
  • Form analytics
  • User testing recruitment

Hotjar support

If you have issues with Hotjar, you can read tutorials, installation guides, and FAQs, send an email, or submit a ticket.

Hotjar pricing

Hotjar offers a free plan that lets you create and store 3 surveys and incoming feedback widgets, with unlimited heatmaps and up to 1,050 session recordings per month.  If you need more data, you need to start a paid subscription. All paid plans include unlimited surveys and incoming feedback widgets, with a starting price of $39/month.

#3. Mopinion

Mopinion feedback

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Mopinion is online survey software that lets you distribute customer surveys on your website, mobile app, or email.  Surveys are easy to customize, and there’s no coding required. With customizable dashboards, you will get insights into the customer experience to make better decisions and improve the customer journey.

Mopinion lets you get customers’ responses in real-time and provides you results with visual feedback. You can set up form triggers based on user actions, so they only appear when users have issues with your site. That way, you can track customer sentiment and get a big-picture of what’s working and what isn’t. 

Stay on top of your feedback data as it comes in, create alerts, assign tasks integrating Mopinion with project management solutions such as Asana, and discuss results with your digital team. Mopinion takes away all the hassle so you can focus on what you do best.

Mopinion customer feedback tool

Mopinion is the only software that allows you to get actionable user feedback across all digital channels. It’s an add-on for your existing marketing tools that gives you deeper insights into what your customers think and how they behave. You can use all the data to improve your development strategy, leading to happier customers and more revenue for your business.

Mopinion for websites, apps, and email

Mopinion makes it easy to create responsive, branded surveys with drag-and-drop functionality or choose a predefined survey template. Each survey is fully customizable, and you can integrate it with your site, app, or email design.

You can combine many question types and metrics such as Customer Effort Score (CES), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and similar. Also, depending on your target audience, you can translate survey questions into multiple languages.

You can combine user feedback with rich website data to understand hidden issues and make decisions based on user actions. You can choose to show or hide feedback form, set your favorite form position, and receive quantitative and qualitative data by integrating your web analytics tools with Mopinion.

With Mopinion visual feedback tool, users can capture their screens and submit screenshots with a short description of the problem they’re facing. It allows you to have real-time conversations about specific issues and save time by avoiding lengthy emails.

Also, to send surveys by email, paste the HTML embed code into the body of your email and start getting answers and gaining customer insight faster.

Other features

  • Unlimited feedback forms
  • Unlimited Feedback Responses
  • In-Page Feedback
  • Full API Access
  • Multi-Language Surveys
  • Feedback Translations

Mopinion support

If you need any help with Mopinion, you can send an email, start a live chat, watch webinars, visit the knowledge base, or read the documentation on the official website.

Mopinion pricing

Mopinion lets you test all features with a 14-day free trial, or you can request the demo to get a sense of the product. It offers three pricing plans, which are pretty expensive compared to other tools. The cheapest starts at $289/month and comes with limitations in digital channels you can use, the number of available dashboards and domains, feedback translations, and users you can invite.

#4. UserReport

UserReport Feedback

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UserReport is an insightful tool you can use for collecting feedback from your users. It helps you extract the valuable and actionable user insights you need to improve your website, products, or services.

With UserReport, customers can tell you what they think about your business, what their favorite products are, or what challenges they’ve run into during the checkout process. This information can help you make data-driven decisions about which parts of your site could use some improvement.

UserReport customer feedback tool

With UserReport, you can use two interactive widgets: a survey widget and a feedback widget. The first one helps you ask your users questions about their experience and what they want to accomplish. The second one gathers more detailed experiences with your web app or website. Both parts work together to help you get the information you need to increase your conversion rates.

Survey widget

You can use a survey to hear the voice of the customer, do sentiment analysis, and get data about users’ demographics like age and gender. You will understand behavior patterns, distribute customer satisfaction surveys or calculate NPS to learn if users are pleased with your products or services.

Visitors can also opt not to participate in a survey. The tool will not be shown to them again after their initial refusal.

Designing a survey that is appealing to your target audience can be difficult. You can brand it with colors, and logos, ask personalized questions and translate it into 60 languages to reach a wider audience.

It works on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. You can export the survey results as PDF, XCEL, CSV, or SPSS for later use or choose to receive an overview of your monthly progress straight to your inbox.

Feedback widget

UserReport focuses on building productive relationships between customers and businesses with a real-time feedback widget that has an engaging visual interface.

UserReport lets users give you development ideas in many ways — from desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Users can post ideas, vote on others’ ideas, discuss updates, and prioritize the list of things you should focus on, helping you follow trends in their feedback submissions.

With the UserReport dashboard, you can easily manage user-submitted ideas by letting them know which you plan to implement or not.

You can place the feedback widget on any area of your website, and you can customize it to match your website’s design. You can add your text, choose colors, or add your logo. You can also set it as active or inactive.

Other features

  • Demographics
  • Device comparison
  • Newsletter signup
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Kits

UserReport support

If you have questions about UserReport, you can visit the support center, read FAQs, report a bug, submit an idea, start a live chat, or submit a request.

UserReport pricing

UserReport doesn’t publicly disclose its pricing. You can contact their sales department to get more information. There’s a free account you can start with, and there is no credit card required to sign up.

#5. ProProfs survey maker

ProProfs survey maker

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ProProfs Survey Maker lets you create and deploy surveys that are fun and easy to fill out, look great on any device and engage your new or loyal customers. Adding a professional look, feel, and sentiment to your surveys will help you instantly collect data from your customers, reducing bounce rates and customer frustration in the process. You don’t need any coding or design skills.

ProProfs survey offers 100+ design templates and 1,000,000+ questions that you can choose from to create a survey that fits your brand. It lets you collect honest responses on many topics and gain insights into customers’ satisfaction with your products, services, processes, and more. You can share your surveys with a link, on social media or embed them on your website.

ProProfs customer feedback tool

ProProfs provides many different ways to run your surveys. With its 20 question types, ratings and buttons, scoring, and branching, you have more than enough ways to get your questions answered. Plus, each survey is fully customizable, and you can add your brand’s colors and style to match your website or web app.

ProProfs allows you to schedule surveys or run them automatically without any extra effort from your side. ProProfs also saves your time by automatically scoring the results of your surveys. You can evaluate results in the intelligent reporting dashboard and take further action based on customer insights.

You can choose how you want your questions to flow, between a single page, a page with breaks, or in a conversational format. You can also randomize the order of your questions and shuffle the answer options to keep the user interested and provide a more engaging experience.

Other features

  • NPS Surveys
  • In-App Surveys
  • Popup surveys
  • Forms
  • Sidebar forms
  • Assessments
  • Quizzes
  • Tests
  • Polls
  • Integration with Google Analytics, Salesforce, and Zendesk

ProProfs Support

If you have any issues with ProProfs, you can visit the help center, start a live chat, send an email, submit a ticket or call phone support.

ProProfs Pricing

The ProProfs free plan lets you create unlimited surveys but limits the number of respondents to 10 people per month. All paid plans include a free trial. You can create an unlimited number of surveys, but you will have a limited number of respondents each month. Pricing is based on the number of responses, and the lowest paid plan starts at $0.05 per response.

The customer feedback tools overview

Let’s make an overview of the best customer feedback tools with their most important features.

User reviewsN/AScore 8.7 out of 10 based on 81 reviews on TrustRadiusScore 4.2 out of 5 based on 26 reviews on G2Score 4.5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews on CapterraScore 4.8 out of 5 based on 10 reviews on GetApp
Unlimited surveysYesYes, in paid plansYesYesYes
Customization and brandingYesYesYesYesYes
Free trialYesYesNoYesYes
Paid plansStarts at $39/monthStarts at $39/monthStarts at $229/monthN/AStarts at $0.05 per response

Take control of business metrics that matter with FullSession

If customers aren’t happy, they’ll do whatever they can to get what they want — whether it’s finding a competitor with better prices, navigating elsewhere to find an answer to their problem, or abandoning purchase entirely. The result is the same: You’ve lost sales and money. More importantly, you’ve lost customers.

When you use FullSession to track key metrics, you can see everything from broad overviews to the smallest details in real-time. It gives you maximum insight and allows you to grow your online business. With broad analytics tools, advanced filtering options, and behavior analysis tools, FullSession gives you clarity on your business results to help you grow.

To start using FullSession, simply enter your email address in the registration form, and you’ll get immediate access to our service. On top of it, we’re always here to help. Even though your free trial is set to end after two weeks, during that period you can chat with one of our customer service agents if you have questions or concerns.  

We don’t lock you in with a long-term contract or any hidden fees, and you can cancel your account anytime. Just start your 14-day free trial today without providing payment info and give us a try.

Top customer feedback tools FAQ

To make it easy for you to get started, we’ve put a list of the most frequently asked questions with answers about the best customer feedback tools. Below are our findings.

How do you choose a good customer feedback tool?

There are many solutions available on the market, but it is important to choose the right customer feedback tool. You should make your choice based on your business needs.

Some of the factors you should consider when choosing a customer feedback tool are:

  • The type of data the tool collects
  • The ease of use and setup speed
  • The cost
  • The features it provides
  • The available support

Before you make any decisions about your customer feedback strategy, be sure to assess your unique needs and weigh the pros and cons of each vendor.

What features should be included in a good customer feedback tool?

There are some key features that a good customer feedback platform should include. Here are some of them:

  1. It allows customers to leave feedback quickly and easily 
  2. It allows customers to rate the service quality 
  3. It keeps track of all the feedback left by customers
  4. It allows you to contact individual customers who left negative or positive feedback
  5. It provides detailed information about how your customer feedback affects your business’ reputation and revenue.

When it comes to fostering relationships with your customers, the more tools you have at your disposal, the better. Not only do sales and marketing teams require customer feedback to create compelling content and audience-tailored outreach plans, but they need ways to keep track of issues that users are experiencing with your product or service.

On the other hand, there are tools on the market, such as FullSession, that can cover all your needs with advanced web analytics tools such as heatmaps, session recordings, and customer feedback. Don’t take our word for it, start your 14-day free trial and see it yourself.

Which one is better: web-based or mobile-based customer feedback tool?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best customer feedback tool will vary depending on the type of your business and the needs of your customers. However, some key features that are common to both web-based and mobile-based customer feedback tools include:

  • The ability to provide feedback through a simple and easy-to-use interface
  • The ability to collect feedback from a large number of customers at the same time
  • The ability to track and manage feedback data

Web-based customer feedback tools are more reliable, and users can get access on any device, while mobile-based customer feedback tools are more convenient as they can use them on the go. Also, web-based customer feedback tools tend to be more expensive than mobile-based ones. If you are looking for an affordable solution to capture customer feedback, record user sessions, and enjoy visual reports, start using FullSession today.

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